Monday, June 4, 2012

What are you bring to the table tonight?

What a question, and as deep as the answer could be, I just want to scratch the surface in the literal sense.  You see what we bring to the table, has the biggest impact on everything in our lives, our energy, health and in turn happiness.  

When we eat foods grown naturally..organically, we nourish the mind body and soul, and doing so we know that every mouthful contributes positivity to not only our bodies, but those whom we share a meal with. It also nourishes the earth, in every sense, encouraging biodiversity, growth and ultimately life.  

It is so rewarding to know where your food has come from and how it is created, it's this connection that breeds respect for the food that we consume and in turn the farmers that grow it.  

Then to use these amazing foods together to create a the best expression of life, to take the bounty and use it to create energy in our bodies this is bliss.

This week, for us its all about what we are bringing to the table, and we want to share our commitment to you.  We always strive to bring the freshest organic produce to your table, to empower you with the tools to make you and your family healthier, happier to live the best life, and finally to be part of the change for the better, to be able to share our passion for real food. Its our lives, we are so passionate about organic farming, we think it tastes better and is better. 

So what are you bringing to the table? How can you nourish yourselves better?
Let us help you...jump onto our website for more information.

Orders to the northern Suburbs, ie orders delivered on Tuesday's, will need to be made before 5pm Sunday's.   

This week's menu will be live on Wednesday, stay tuned for more information....


I don't know that the true taste of nuts can be experienced until they are eaten fresh from their shell.  Cracked and eaten, as nature created, the oils are healthy and safe, the flavour sweet.  Fresh nuts have limited seasons and this is the season for fresh walnuts.  As well as being delicious, there is also something quite gratifying of cracking the shell and eating the treasure. Try them for yourself.
This cooler weather makes for great parsnips, producing a sweeter nutty root.  A versatile vegetable that is equally delicious raw as it cooked, these are being harvested this week for your orders.
Celery is back, and just in time for your juices and soups.  Make sure that you use all of the celery, the tops can be added to stews and soups, as well as juices and smoothies.  This is coming in from Queensland, as the Melbourne crops have finished for the time being.
Tomatoes are making a comeback, albeit at a price, they are very limited at the moment and stock is selling out fast, so be sure to get your orders in quickly.
The star performer this week, by far is the fancy lettuce, it is divine.  Makes for a beautiful salad.....
Tumeric is back, this is one of nature's most powerful healers, juice it dry it, just get it in.


To be always intending to live a new life, but never find time to set about it -- this is as if a man should put off eating and drinking from one day to another till he be starved and destroyed.".'"
Sir Walter Scott

We thank you for your support as always, we are very grateful that you are making your body healthier, your kids stronger and the world a better place to be.
Thanks you are awesome, look forward to serving you, have a healthy week

Angela Gioffre 
(Your nutritionist) and the team at Organic Empire XXX

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