' we are what we repeatedly do' Aristotle
Today is about getting outside our comfort zone, life is how we spend our days...that is our life.
So today, lets do something different. Instead of walking...run, instead of yelling...sing, instead of doing nothing...do something. Look at your goal, what are three things that you can do differently today to work towards your goal....you need to commit yourself at least 30 minutes out of your day towards your goals.
Ok I have something for you to try, raw garlic...its really not that bad. Garlic is a potent immune booster and contains both anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Chop it up as fine as you can, put it in a glass of water and shot it down. Great for your skin, great for the immune system, great for overwell being (Lets be real though, not so great for the breath, them the breaks)
Lets get as healthy as we can.