Its amazing how quickly the weather
can change, in the blink of eye its gone from being warm and sunny, to wet and
humid. It's these weather conditions that bring with it its own
challenges, increased humidity means some crops prosper other wither, and if we
were to imagine that this weather change was quite permananet that would mean
that the crops that used to grow in our regions, would no longer, or certain
pests would flourish attacking our crops. What am I getting at you may
ask... the importance of crop diversity and indeed earth biodiversity,
you see at the moment four food crops provide half the worlds food energy
requirements, they are rice, corn, wheat and potato, and in the last century we
have lost over 75% of our crop diversity( UN Food and agriculture
organisation). Now less than 30 crops feed 95% of the worlds population.
What that translates to is 1000's of varieties of produce lost to a time
gone's that same time gone by that share's the wisdom of the Irish
potato famine, in which millions of people died as a result of a reliance on a
crop that failed. The potatoes in which was the staple of their diet's.
This is called monoculture farming,
agricultural practices of growing a singular crop. This kind of farming
is more susceptible to devastation from pests and other factors. So imagine
what would happen if the world over was growing the same strains of
seeds..sounds crazy, but its true and its happening. Writer Michael
Polllan maintains that 'preserving biodiversity is like an insurance policy, by
growing multiple varieties of a crop, we increase the chances that if one
fails, another will have the genetic traits that enable it to thrive.'
Its this diversity that we as consumers need to preserve, for our health
and for the health of every generation to come. Sounds is.
So get to it, we've got 6 EASY ways to
preserve the biodiversity of our food and get back to basics.
This week I want to share with you
some of my families traditional recipes, please feel free to share yours online
on facebook with us all or email
them through and we will put them on the website.
So this week, my wish for you is that
you mix it up, get outside of the box try new things, new flavours, cuisine,
our food is so precious and the culture and food security it represents are
worth preserving.
Forget to place your
order, register for our SMS reminder service and never miss getting the best
organic produce delivered each week. REGISTER HERE. Once you are registered
you can then text through your seasonal box orders whenever you like. How
easy is that?
To ensure you receive
your delivery, why not ORDER NOW
So Autumn is
nearly upon us, and so are all the amazing autumn flavours.
flowers, local
and delicious. Grown in the Yarra Valley and a sensational price. No
pesticides, no chemicals
Leeks, locally
grown and fantastic sauteed
coming in from Macclesfield are getting better and better each week.
Organic Corn, we have a special on local
organic corn, this one is only .88c each. Incredible value, please note
that these corns are smaller.
"We human beings are part of
'biodiversity.' We are dependent on the whole food chain down below us."
Darrell Merrell
We thank you for your
support as always, we are very grateful that you are making your body
healthier, your kids stronger and the world a better place to be.
Thanks you are
awesome, look forward to serving you
nutritionist) and the team at Organic Empire