The Victorian government has this morning announced a $40 million program to end childhood obesity in Victoria with staggering figures that have found that one in four children are obese or overweight. This is sad and scarey, never before in history have we seen nations suffering from these tremendous weight problems, with Australia leading the way with the highest rates of obesity per capita....
The initiatives include:
A research centre that will evaluate health programs in schools and other early childhood centres.
Policies implemented to guide the social, physical and emotional health of young people
Awards programs for schools, recognising excellence in health and food service to children
Cooking classes for adults and children
Various social marketing and public education engagements
I don't know that we need to complicate things though, this all just comes back to food, the importance of teaching children about food and nourishing them with healthy food is the only way that we can curb this. Childhood obesity is not just about being a 'bigger' kid, there are so many health problems associated with excess weight,cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes can be the reality of a unhealthy lifestyle.
Its also at this point that I think that Junk food should be heavily taxed, making real food more affordable in comparision. The real change will happen then, when it becomes harder and expensive to eat 'processed, inert foods'.
We agree that the value of educating children on good food is and should be our highest priority, what can you do at home, find our more here.
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