So last night, I had the privalidge of attending an event hosted by The Sustainable Table and Dumbo Elephant. All the guests were asked to bring something to the table, and from that bounty ,Chef from Pope Joan, Matt Wilkinson cooked up a storm. At grassroots this event was about bringing a consciousness to our food, eating with the seasons, tasting the sun, absorbing the rain, nourishing our bodies with the freshest produce.
For us all on this journey we call life, as humans, I think its important to connect with our food and the best way to do that is to eat seasonally. Living in Melbourne, we are blessed to sometimes have four seasons in one day, but we truly do have four distinct seasons in a year. Four seasons that each provide a bounty of flavour and health, with enough diversity to satisfy everyone.
Seasonal eating is not a new concept, rather living wisdom that dates back decades,centuries even millennia that has somehow got lost for the majority of us with the advances in transportation, supermarkets and the haste of our lives.
All is not lost, we can return to the beautiful place where we grow, we eat, we thrive, and we can do this quite easily. Think about it for a minute, what if you did an experiment and you only ate seasonal fresh foods for a week, how would this impact you? Your family? your world?
Get a seasonal list, we have one thats quite extensive, use it, get some organic seasonal produce and create your own food, food that is grown where you live.