I hope to see you all at our next rubbish pick this coming Sunday. Please note that our very enthusiastic Laurence will be co-ordinating the rubbish pick up in the South.
Did you know that every year some 45,000 tons of plastic waste are dumped into the world's oceans? Plastic waste is lethal, killing up to one million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals each year.
(Extract taken from: You can save the Planet: A Day in the Life of Your carbon Footprint)
Come and help us pick up as much rubbish as we can, before it reaches the ocean. Together we can make the difference that counts.
Please feel free to invite family and friends.
The most profound changes start by our every day choices…
Date: Sunday, 28 June 2009
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Location 1:
Mitcham Railway Station
Railway car park:
Mitcham Rd, Mitcham
Melway Ref: Map 48 K-9
Co-ordinator: Rose Italiano
Contact: 0425-796-382 Location 2:
Holmesglen Railway Station Railway Car Park:
Argyll St, Chadstone
Melway Ref: Map 69 F-1
Co-ordinator: Laurence Poncin
Contact: 0420-802-044
To attend please choose one of the above locations.
Bring your gloves, a hat, drinking water, sunscreen, and please wear protective shoes.
• Please bring your mobile phone with you and have it switched on.
• If you are unable to join us, you can take individual action collecting rubbish. Bags of trash you collect can be added to our global tally.
Many blessings and thank you for your participation.
Rose Italiano e.
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