Monday, October 26, 2009

'Take care of your body, it's

the only place you have to


Jim Rohn

A Healthy Digestive System

A Healthy Digestive System

The digestive system is the centre of health, so come in today and let me help you to achieve optimal wellness by restoring your digestive health.


Is your digestive system not feeling quite right?

Do you only pay attention to your digestive system when there is a problem? Maybe after you have eaten a large meal and feel bloated? Or perhaps you pay attention to your digestive system only when you have had changes in bowel movements, like diarrhoea or constipation? If this is the case, some digestive support in the form of a probiotic could be useful. Probiotics are "good bacteria" that help keep your digestive system in good condition. Digestive problems are often a sign that the bacteria in your digestive system are out of balance, and since your digestive system is the centre of health, it is extremely important that you keep it healthy!


Did you know?

Did you know that you have over 400 species of good bacteria inside your digestive system and they weigh up to 3kg? In fact, you have more bacteria living inside you than you have cells in your entire body! There are approximately 100 trillion bacteria in your digestive system, the vast majority of which live in your bowel. The balance of all these bacteria is essential for your health and wellbeing.


Good bacteria can protect you!

Your digestive system is in constant contact with the outside environment through the food that you eat. In your lifetime, you will eat approximately 22 tonnes of food. This food and the fluids you consume could be carrying potential pathogens that could make you sick. Good bacteria can protect you from getting sick from these potential pathogens.


Balance is essential for health…

It is essential for health and wellbeing that the bacteria, or flora, in your digestive system is kept in a healthy balance. An imbalance of flora within the digestive system can lead to many common symptoms including:


• Poor digestive function

• Diarrhoea

• Constipation

• Irritable bowel syndrome

• Bloating

• An increase in allergies and eczema

• Chronic disease


How do good bacteria keep you healthy?

Good bacteria aid in:

• Breaking down food and producing nutrients.

• Absorption of nutrients.

• Maintaining the motility of the digestive tract, ensuring good bowel motions.

• Inhibiting the growth of bad bacteria.

• Maintaining a healthy immune system.


Not all probiotics are created equal…

Different strains of good bacteria are clinically proven to have different benefits. Some help to prevent and repair damage to the wall of the digestive system due to pathogens in food, bad bacteria and some medicines. Other strains increase the density of the protective mucus in the digestive system and protect it bacterial damage, particularly from E.coli bacteria. Unlike some bacteria, some probiotics can survive the acidic conditions of the digestive system and are able to adhere to the intestinal wall, ensuring its effectiveness. Some probiotics can also boost the natural defence mechanisms of the body by promoting good health within the digestive system, encouraging the growth of beneficial bacteria and inhibiting the growth of bad bacteria which has been shown to decrease the risk of stomach upset, including diarrhoea, in both adults and children and can also shorten the duration of diarrhoea if you do get sick.


Is your baby at risk of developing eczema?

If you are pregnant and you, your partner or someone in your immediate family has eczema or allergies, then your baby may also be at risk of developing eczema. Fortunately, there is something you can do to reduce this risk. Research has shown particular probiotics during pregnancy and breastfeeding decreases the risk of your baby developing eczema! If your child already has eczema or allergies, giving them the correct probiotic may alleviate their allergic symptoms.


Which probiotic is suitable for you?

As you can see, maintaining good bowel flora is an important key in maintaining health and wellbeing. Good bowel flora can be achieved by taking probiotics. However, not all probiotics are the same and it is important to use the right probiotic for you. I will be able to prescribe the right probiotic for your health needs.


Marisa Camilleri - Naturopath
Melbourne             Suite 15 / 12 Collins St       9663 5940
Williamstown      95 Douglas Parade              9397 7885


* Specialist in Fat Loss, Wellness & Preventative care * Naturopathy * Herbal Medicine * Homeopathy * Nutritional & dietary advice * Ear candling * Bioimpedance Analysis (BIA)



Monday, October 19, 2009

Where to start, why organic?

Our health is our vitality, our energy, our lives. Without our health, we have nothing. So, it makes sense that in order to encourage our own health we must encourage the life that sustains us.

The plants and animals, the foods that we consume give us vitamins, minerals, nutrients, energy, protein and fats, which are the basic building blocks for sustainable and healthy living.

It’s no secret that fresh food is the most nourishing for our bodies, but what some people don’t realise is that conventional produce (grown with the use of pesticides) can have adverse effects on our health.

Specifically, it’s the highly toxic pesticides that leave residue in and on conventional produce. Once consumed these pesticides can wreak havoc on healthy vital organs and lead to long term damage.

In an alarming study conducted by the British Medical Society in 1995, they linked pesticide residues with possible neurobehavioural and neurotoxic effects, possible birth defects, carcinogenic (cancer causing) cells, and allergic and other immuno-regulatory disorders.

In 2005, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ranked pesticide residues among the top three environmental cancer risks!

Most recently, a study published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences on children’s health and pesticide residues, revealed more unsettling facts about the effects of conventional produce. The study of 195 children aged between 6-7 years old found that 95% of those who ate conventional produce had alarmingly high levels of pesticide residue in their urine, some of which exceeded ‘safe’ levels as set by the government.

So it makes perfect sense to limit our exposure to foods that can have this impact on our bodies.

Enter organic foods…

Organic foods are untainted by artificial chemicals, herbicides, chemical pesticides, waxes, free from genetically modified organisms, they are real foods, and in turn they offer our bodies more nutrition and no toxic pesticides or chemical residues.

Organic foods offer increased vitamin and mineral content, study after study has concluded that fresh organic foods contain more vitamins, minerals, trace minerals and phytonutrients than conventionally grown crops. A report released this year by The Organic Centre, has confirmed across the board significant increases in the nutritional content of organic produce, some up to 88% higher.

What about the environment?

The current agricultural practices of conventional farming, the use of pesticides and artificial chemicals are contributing greatly to the erosion of our topsoil and pollution of our waterways. Going organic means that soil structure is enhanced, wildlife is encouraged, and less carbon is produced. Organic farming is sustainable farming. It supports the environment, instead of depleting it. Organic farming gives back what it takes. It protects our environment, our farmers, and us.

How do you ‘go organic’?

Organic farming is labour intensive, the growing is slower and generally there are smaller yields per hectare, hence the higher prices. It’s quite easy to make a positive impact both in terms of your diet and the world without radically increasing your cost of living.

Like anything in life if you make changes in small increments, you are most likely to sustain them. Try changing one product that you normally buy each week to an organic product. Then before you know it, your cupboard and fridge will be stocked organically! Start with a product that you use moderately, that your children enjoy.

Make a positive change; it only takes a decision to be more conscious of the foods we eat, take responsibility for what we support in terms of farming methods. Here’s to your continued good health.

Angela Gioffre
As featured in the Barefoot Magazinge, check them out and contact us to purchase the latest

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Healthy Eating Etiquette-7 Rules to follow

Ok so you know which one is your salad fork, excellent, great start. There are some other healthy eating guidelines that you might find interesting, and I am not talking about which way to position your fork to your mouth (although very interesting, FYI the food should be on the back of the fork).

Healthy eating etiquette is about the appropriate use of food as fuel for the body, and
so the idea is to approach healthy eating with the same reverence as we would a fine dining experience. Oh perhaps through the use of healthy eating etiquette, every dining experience will be a fine one.

So try these out, time and time again, take note of how you feel adhering to these:


Even I indulge in over eating sometimes, and must admit that I like to lie on the couch and moan that I am so full that I can't move, also doubles as an excuse to get me out of doing the dishes. But pigging out distends the stomach and makes the digestive system work double time. This takes away energy that you would otherwise have to do as you choose. It slows down everything. The idea is to eat only what you can fit in your cupped hands x 2 at any one sitting.


If you hold off eating until you are ravenous, then everything will taste amazing, 6 packets of chips, 3 chocolate bars and a coke later you will remember why you must eat regularly. A way to stave of this desperation, is to keep snacks in your bag or car. Try some organic sultanas, organic cashews, organic goji berries, organic cacao nibs, organic pumpkin seeds mixed up. Great snack, healthy, full of vitamins, minerals and energy to keep you going


Wait until you body alerts you that its hungry, that is why we have this mechanism. Mealtimes become more of a habit than hunger. So if you are not hungry...don't eat. Eat it later when your body needs it, you body will be very grateful


I know that this easier said than done, and can often hear everyone telling me to sit down, relax, eat. Deadlines, so much to do all the time, but chances are the food that we are eating whilst we are running around will not get digested properly....meaning toxicity in the stomach.


Saliva is an amazing acid, the first part of the digestion process actually begins in the mouth, the action of saliva helps to begin the breaking down of food. Chewing on your food, around 30 chews allows the saliva to do its job and increases the bodies ability to absorb the nutrients. This one is two fold, because the more you chew the more inclined you are to feel satisfied sooner...meaning that you eat less.


Its amazing how many of us have become detached with our natural instincts and instead listen to the voice not in our head but the voice that streams out of the TV or Radio telling us that we need to have some Special K, or perhaps some Masterfoods creamy pasta. When you actually listen to your body and yourself, i am sure the voice will be calling for an organic apple, or perhaps some else that will nurture your body. Try listening to your needs.


Well my personal favourite is uncooking styles to be truthful. Raw, fresh organic foods in their most natural state, prepared in the most delicious ways.

Failing that, perhaps try steaming, with very little water, or stir frying.

Avoid frying at all costs- and you avoid the complimentary trans fatty acids, and boiling, just leeches alot of the nutrients into the water, so a no-no too.

So place, the napkin neatly over your legs, use your cutlery from the outside-in, sit up straight, dont hunch over your plate, chew with your mouth closed, avoid uncouth behaviour, such as nose picking, and relax, dine slowly and get healthy.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Are Toxins Affecting Your Health?

Toxins can make you feel sluggish, tired, irritable and generally unwell. To find out if your health is being affected by toxins, ask yourself these questions:
• Are you often tired or lethargic?
• Do you regularly suffer from bloating, diarrhoea, constipation or other digestive disturbances?
• Do you get recurrent headaches?
• Are you regularly suffering from muscle aches and pains?
• Do poor short-term memory and concentration affect your ability to function at work?
• Do you have allergies or sensitivities?
• Do you suffer from depression, anxiety and/or mood swings?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, your body may be overburdened by toxicity.

Staying Healthy in a Toxic World
In our busy modern world, toxins are commonly encountered. Environmental toxins include heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals, food additives, drugs and pollutants, which are present in the air, water and food that we consume. Toxins do not only come from your external environment, they can also be generated internally by “unfriendly” bacteria, yeasts and parasites in your digestive system. Your body is an amazing machine which can eliminate all these toxins through many different pathways; however, excess toxic exposure can overburden this machine. If you are not feeling 100%, a detoxification program will help to reduce this toxic load from your body and put a spring back into your step. Ask us today about a safe and effective detoxification program which will help to remove the toxic load from your body.

It’s Time for a Spring Clean!
A natural detoxification program can be one of the most effective ways to rapidly improve the state of your health, as it will help clear toxins out of your body and leave you feeling healthy and energetic. However, detoxification is serious business and your safety and comfort during the process is important. Therefore, the best detox is a program done under the guidance and support of a qualified naturopath.

The Three Step Spring Clean
A good detox program should involve three major steps. First, you need to remove the “bad” bugs from your digestive system; and then replace the “bad” bugs with new “good” bugs (out with the old and in with the new)! Finally, you need to support and enhance your liver and kidneys capacity to remove waste from your body.

Dietary Tips
During your detox, it is really important to eat a healthy well balanced diet, preferably organic. Ask us today about the best diet for your individual requirements to ensure you are eating the right foods for your body in order to maximise the detoxification process.

Come in today and see us about a safe, gentle and effective detox program that will help clear your body of accumulated toxins. The natural supplements used in this program are designed to support your body, detoxification and repair systems to function efficiently, without causing any undesirable side effects. I will get you feeling great again!

MELBOURNE NATUROPATHIC WELLNESS Marisa Camilleri - NaturopathMelbourne Suite 15 / 12 Collins St 9663 5940 Williamstown 95 Douglas Parade 9397 7885

* Specialist in Fat Loss, Wellness & Preventative care * Naturopathy * Herbal Medicine * Homeopathy * Nutritional & dietary advice * Ear candling * Bioimpedance Analysis (BIA)

Monday, October 5, 2009


'Dont be afraid to take a big step, you can't cross a chasm in two small jumps'David Lloyd George.
I suppose in life you are either doing it or you are not, and if you are doing it, you might as well do it properly. So instead of taking little steps in which you can always retreat to safer ground when things get scary. Today is about making a committment to whatever it is that you want and taking a chance on yourself. Whether that means donating all the processed food in your pantry to a shelter, or perhaps investing in yourself, a gym membership, organic home delivery service ( ).
Taking a huge step in the direction that you want to head, is one step closer to reaching your potential. This is exactly what happens when you burn your bridges and take that leap of faith in whatever direction that you choose.
So today:
Sign up for the gym

Order your organics
Clean out your cupboards
Get committed to you