At the moment there are so many varieties of tomatoes available, there are the local heirloom varieties as well as the standard tomato varieties that are available. Let's have a look at some of these varieties:
Rouge De Marmande: these are a big 'beefsteak' variety. Ribbed fruit with an outstanding flavour.

Tigeralla: has decorative striped fruit.

Black Russian: has an unusual black colour, but brings a beautiful flavour to the plate
Tommy Toe, which has an outstanding sweet flavour, and the red or yellow fruit, is delicious to eat straight from the vine.
Conventional tomatoes has an average of 34 recordable total residues, these include 2 known or probable carcinogens, 15 suspected hormone disruptors, 7 neurotoxins and 3 developmental or reproductive toxins, comprised of methyl bromide, nevinphos, parathion and many other chemicals. These conventionally grown crops not sounding so tasty.
Organically grown counterparts offer a plethora of vitamins and minerals minus the chemicals. High in vitamin C, E, K, potassium, beta-carotene and lycopene, the organic tomato definitely has more flavour. An interesting fact on organic tomatoes is that they have been found to deliver three times as much lycopene, an amazing antioxidant than conventional tomatoes. Order some local organic tomatoes here.
We have two farmers supplying our tomatoes, we have a farmer who runs his farm using solar power, and we have our local heirloom farmer, the punnets of organic heirloom tomatoes are sensational. Both farmers are providing exceptional produce, get stuck into some organic goodness this week
ORGANIC EMPIRE, organic home delivery melbourne, local organic foods
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