2. DRINK AT LEAST 8 GLASSES OF WATER EACH DAY; being hydrated means that your cells in your body can communicate more effectively, keeping hunger at bay and increasing all the functions in the body, better elimination, more positivity.
3. DRINK ORGANIC GREEN TEA; full of amazing antioxidants, researchers have found that drink green tea daily decreases the risk of all types of cancers, helps to keep the mouth free of bacteria and improves memory and learning ability.
4. TAKE FIVE MINUTES EVERY HOUR TO STOP; focus the mind and relax, this small practice recharges the mind and body and means that whatever action you take next is conscious not mindless.
5.TAKE SOME FORM OF EXERCISE EACH DAY; try running, walking, skipping, jumping move your body, body and mind are connected, get your thoughts going.
6.EAT ORGANIC WHERE YOU CAN; keep your body free of nasty chemicals, pesticides and hormones. If you keep your body as pure as possible, it will serve you with good health.
7. ADD SOME GREENS EVERY DAY; green foods, ie spinach, kale, tatsoi, silberbeet, broccoli are powerhouses of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and nourish your body as nature intended. Have a little green every day!
8. MAKE A DECISION; that you and your health are first, feed your body with this in mind, nutritious, delicious organic foods
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