Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Eating Ethically

So its Nutrition Week in Australia and its all about promoting good health, to foster a better Australia.
Nutrition Australia has released a series of flyers to educate the broader community on healthy eating for a healthy world, one of them is a great one on Ethical Eating. At the Organic Empire, we love the promotion of ethical eating as one of the most important steps forward that we can take as a civilisation, one that can free so many from hunger, foster nutrition and promote a beautiful connection with our own lives and the people in it. Ethical eating forces you to take the slower more conscious path, one where convenience is not the only factor in food, but people matter and the health of our world. Have a read, what are your thoughts on ethical eating?


  1. I must say that I am a firm believer in supporting local businesses. If you buy all your items at local stores then you are giving back to your community. I find it hard to stay local in the winter months as there are not that many food in season. Any ideas how to remain ethical in winter months?

    1. Hi Matt so sorry for the delay. We just received notification of the comment... we are lucky that we live in an area where our winters are quite mild and therefore still maintain an abundance of produce however monotone.
      Check out our seasonal page to see what's in season in winter
