Friday, June 15, 2012

Cold weather, warming foods

In our part of the world the temperature is struggling to reach 10 degrees on a daily basis,  it is here that I  am reminded that I am usually quite reluctant to submit to winter, to dress appropriately ,this year is a little different. Since moving out to the country, cold is cold....I have not known life this cold, and thats not a bad thing, just a cold one...This temperature drop has meant that my food choices have changed too, and although salads and juices make a large part of my daily foods, I find myself wanting the nourishing, warm and comforting heavy foods to sustain me.   Nature hears my call, and yours too, you see all the foods that are in season right now are warming foods. These foods raise the basal body temperature as well as being a stimulate for metabolism, and invigorating blood circulation.  This equates to warmth from the inside, an important element of overall health and warmth.  Generally speaking the longer the produce takes to grow and ripen, the more warming it is for the body, likewise if the vegetable likes the cooler weather, it is also considered a warming vegetable.

I know with the mass variety of produce at the supermarket, its hard to know which vegetables and fruits are in season, so check out our seasonal list for more information.

Try incorporating these foods, organically grown of course, into your weekly intake:Cayenne pepper, Parsnips, ginger Oats, Almonds, leek, sweet potatoes, cabbage, kale ( I know that I rant and rave about this divine vegetable, but I want you to be super healthy and eat it all the time), beetroot, fennel, swede, turnips,

An interesting fact, foods grown with artifical stimulation, via chemical fertilisation are more cooling for the body, as opposed to organic produce which ripens and develops naturally.

 This week is all about keeping warm,whilst tantalising your tastebuds, so join us on Facebook for updates.

This week, why not try my favourite juice, please try it, it is soooo good for you and it tastes delicious.  Maybe minimise the kale to start with and increase as you appreciate the taste.  Make enough for everyone...


 So if you are on Facebook, you may have seen the kitchen going in the store....we are all so excited to be able to share this space with you.  We will have our schedule on line hopefully by the end of the week, with some of our classes already sold out.  

The store will operate as an organic grocery store, three days a week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.  The remaining days, Mondays, Wednesday's, Friday's and Sunday's, it will operate as a cooking school.  We have so many amazing individuals to share their food knowledge, from raw fermented, to raw chocolate,detox, alkalizing to traditional italian and everything in between.  We will also be hosting organic farm children's parties with animals and healthy delicious foods. We are anticipating the store being opened by mid July,but we will keep you posted.


Forgot to place your order??, register for our SMS reminder service and never miss getting the best organic produce delivered each week. REGISTER HERE.  Once you are registered you can then text through your seasonal box orders whenever you like.  How easy is that?  

Don't forget that some delivery days and zones have changed, check here to see yours.  CHECK DELIVERY DAY/ZONES.
We deliver the freshest local organic produce from our farm to your home.

To ensure you receive your delivery, why not ORDER NOW

Packham pears are in this week, a quintessential favourite in most homes, the packham pear lends itself to sweet and savoury dishes. First cultivated in Australian in the late 1800's and is a cross between the Williams and Bell pears.
The organic valenica oranges have finished and now we have the divine navel oranges, these oranges are sweet and so juicy.  You won't stop at one, they taste so good.
This week, its all about getting back to our roots.  The Root vegetables are in great supply...
Organic local turnips are in this week, add them to your soup and roasted vegetable dishes.  
Word on the farm is that the rainbow carrots might be ready to pull up this week, watch this space.
Organic swedes, these vegetables resemble a turnip, but are larger in size, with skin that is half purple and half tan.  Swedes add some delicious flavour to roasted vegetables or grated very finely on salads



  " Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. The life of a man is a circle from 
childhood to childhood, and so it is in 
everything where power moves."

We thank you for your support as always, we are very grateful that you are making your body healthier, your kids stronger and the world a better place to be.  
 Thanks you are awesome, look forward to serving you, have a healthy week

Angela Gioffre 
(Your nutritionist) and the team at Organic Empire XXX

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